Friday, October 10, 2008

Birth Annoucement

With great joy, Joshua and Becky Harber announce the birth of their third child:

Laurel Catherine Harber
Born: 4:20 AM, 10/10/08
Weight: 7 lbs, 0 oz.
Length: 20.5 inches


God's love for us is expressed perfectly in Jesus willingness to go to the cross for our sins. His mercy is expressed perfectly in the forgiveness and home in heaven we're given through trusting in Christ... And today, even though these things are everything we need, He has added to us little Laurel... It is awesome to think of how much God loves her... how perfectly and thoroughly he loves her and every single person. I can't imagine a more pure love than that I feel holding this new daughter of mine... yet I know God's love for me is infinitely more. Amazing.

Okay, now more on the birth... We checked into the hospital to be induced on Thursday, 10/9 at about 4:30 PM. They gave Becky one dose of a drug to stimulate the process, intending to give her three more. But the first one kicked in and started the process faster than the Dr or nurses expected. It was funny, because by the time the OB/GYN got here and checked to see how dilated Becky was, she said "I think you should sit up, push a couple times and you'll probably have a baby in 10 minutes."
About 1/2 of a push later, Laurel breathed her first breath.


First official photo, under the warmer.


First time in Mom's arms.


First family (partial) photo.

As of the moment of this post, Laurel has already successfully had her first meal from Mom. Everything is perfect. Ten fingers, ten toes, and parents with eyes full of ten tears.

We'll be staying at the hospital through Sunday. Feel free to call us...


Christoper M Mann said...


Praise the Lord, congratulations from the Mann Clann. Next stop: the Laurel Catherine Harber tour in Fort Wayne!!

Chris, Ruth, Lydia, Peter, Micah, Gretchen, Colette, Jonas.

Stephanie B said...

Amen and Amen! Praise the Lord for this beautiful and precious gift to your family. She's adorable! Becky, you look fantastic! See you guys soon!
With love from the Burtons!

Dennis & Heidi Swender said...

YEAH! How wonderful... can't wait to meet her!

Anonymous said...

Conrgrats my friend. God Bless You! - Joseph Family

Anonymous said...

Awww! Congratulations! She's precious!! :)

-Christie Winkler

Anonymous said...

Congrat! Can't wait to meet her. Please let us know if you need some help with anything.

Unknown said...

Becky looks GREAT for having just given birth! :)

Congratulations to your whole family, and we can't wait to meet her!

Ruth said...

Becky, you look great! And you just delivered! Amazing. Congratulations! What a sweet name!


Anonymous said...

Hey Great to hear from ya and with wonderful news! Becky you did great! We love you and pray for your family often. Stop by when you need that "I have to get out of the house outing"
With all our love,
Tom and Kristie with the half dozen: Alex, Zachary, Evan, Westley, Natalie, and Quintin.