Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Downsizing Testimony

How much is enough? Do we really need this much house?
These are questions one family owning a $1.8 Million home have gotten serious about asking themselves. Check out their story "Sale of 1 house will help 30 villages"

Kudos to CNN for giving ink (bytes) to such a story.


1 comment:

Dennis Swender said...

Hey man. I've been thinking about this and our conversation we had at our guys night in relationship to money and God. This article ( http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/080714/mortgage_giants_crisis.html )only makes me think that our money isn't real... I agree with you that it is only worth something because we all agree that it does. The article states that we've already gone bust on $400 billion in the housing crisis - congress has only authorized $650 billion for the war. This is crazy. So, when Americans are giving money to worthy charity, is it real money? Is it money they actually have or is it all owed to someone else?