Monday, April 28, 2008

Economic Stimulus Checks

I have had many (conflicting) ideas about how to spend the check coming from the Federal government. Part of me says "spend it on US-manufactured goods," which would seems to meet the money's intent... Another voice says "come February 2009 your TV (non-cable, no satellite) won't work anymore and there is probably some great sales on TVs about now..." What could be more American than a TV (made in Japan)?

Of course these thoughts are second to the my first thought to take a large portion (yes, more than 10%) for a one-time gift to a ministry.

Today's Desiring God blog has a great line which takes the discussion back a step:

We would have gotten on fine without [the check]. If we didn’t know it was coming, we wouldn’t even be feeling the desires we are feeling right now.

And so, knowing that giving is greatest antidote to greed, Becky and I plan to take more than half of it and put it into a project to bring the Scriptures to a people that have no access to it, and the rest will go into Savings (we're trying to save up for an addition which would give the house a 3rd bedroom).


Anonymous said...

Hello Josh -

I appreciate that post from Desiring God, as I've been wondering what to do with my coming economic stimulus check. If I didn't know it was coming, I wouldn't have the desire to spend it in the way I do, so why not save it or direct to someone/some place that needs it more than I do?

Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

It would almost make sense for most people to use the 'stimulus' check to pay off any debt. It wouldn't feed capitalism, but could relieve stress in a lot of people's lives. We will probably do that.